Coin Creator

Teams, individuals, artists, or meme lovers interested in bringing their ideas to Move-powered blockchains can simply create tokens within a few simple clicks.

It is a simple, easy, secure, and trusted way to create a token without any coding or programming experience.

For those who might have programming skills, this tool eliminates the learning costs for the new Move language.

Benefits & Implications:

Saving time and money on audits & developers:

Building tokens in-house usually takes 3–6 months & costs $20,000–50,000 USD depending on the nature and resources, with an additional cost for smart contract auditing of $ 70,000 USD.

These high costs discourage innovators from launching projects, especially on new chains with different programming languages. Teams with low budgets or few team members, usually end up watching their projects die due to the inability to maintain the quality of code and innovate. In some extreme cases, we see some individuals working on multiple protocols at the same time hence having divided focus. Our tool reduces the above costs and lets project teams focus these resources on other areas of their project.

Last updated